Matching Resident Needs With Available Facility Offerings 

We provide a revolutionary patient/resident discharge matching platform that ensures that resident desires and needs fit the unique service offerings of assisted living and other residential facilities. We work to make each placement right the first time, and every time. Such a fit makes for happy patients ensuring accurate and lasting patient placement following discharge.

Facility Tours

Once a good fit is found between the resident’s needs and desires and the available services of matching care facilities, we facilitate either an in-person or a virtual online tour of the prospective care facility for the resident and their family members  to assure the best possible choice. This is one more way we work to make the right fit the first time – and every time.

Assuring & Reporting Placement Success

We check in with the patient/resident to make sure they are continually satisfied, that their care needs are being well met, and to prevent the need for ER visits or unnecessary rehospitalizations. We report our findings with the client, their families, and the client’s health care providers. All of these services are provided at no cost to the client, their family, or their care providers.

“Our Mother is from the Philippines and doesn’t speak English. The placement software used by AgeSafe  Placement Services found 3 facilities for us to choose from with staff who spoke her unique dialect, and that has made all the difference in mom’s care – and happiness. We couldn’t be more pleased!”